INTERFINi has delivered Energy Consulting and Management Services to Energy Projects over Ten Years, working with a wide range for clients, including Government agencies, the Private sectors and international organizations.
Some of INTERFINi’s most recent undertaking includes:
- INTERFINI in Consortium with TIB/CRDB is carrying out the Trust Agent function for the Rural Energy Fund under the Rural Energy Agency [REA]. INTERFINi performs technical monitoring, supervision and evaluation of rural energy projects extending from grid extension to off grid energy undertakings.
- INTERFINi was engaged as a sub-contractor and local partner to ICF International USA in USAID funded Tanzania Integrated Resources and Resiliency Planning Program (IRRP) which aimed at improving long-term planning and decision-making in the power sector in Tanzania.
- INTERFINi is working as subcontractor to NREL USA to support the coordination, establishment and management of “Greening the Grid Tanzania” Project which aims at supporting Renewable Energy Integration and Power Sector Resilience. The project strives at providing technical support to increase renewable energy deployment and power sector resilience in Tanzania.